Not far from the Storage Barn, the original strip mine is located. There are two paths to Xavakai’s main mine, as he is the miner
Category: Building Showcase
Showcasing the homesteads & other builds of members on the server
Jaded Homestead: Storage
While many members followed Kaluna north of spawn, a few of us ventured to the south and continue to set up a homestead. The first
A Peek into JadedCraft
Several members have teamed up this season and have been creating an epic homestead on the server not far from Spawn. Here’s a little sneak
Greenhouse on the Homestead
Jaded has added a new greenhouse to her homestead. members of the server are, of course, welcome to come visit and test out the double-tall
JadedPixxie & Xavakai’s Homestead
When the server first came online, M1nniie_Mouse, JadedPixxie, Xavakai and Kauluna all ventured out together and created their initial homesteads all within path walking distance
Suby04’s Homestead
When Suby logged on, he travelled across the bay from Lionsden and dug a hole into the side of the mountain for his home. Although
M1nniie_Mouse’s Homestead
When the server first came online, M1nniie_Mouse, JadedPixxie, Xavakai and Kauluna all ventured out together and created their initial homesteads all within path walking distance
Kauluna’s Homestead
When the server first came online, M1nniie_Mouse, JadedPixxie, Xavakai and Kauluna all ventured out together and created their initial homesteads all within path walking distance