While many members followed Kaluna north of spawn, a few of us ventured to the south and continue to set up a homestead. The first build we worked on was a massive storage barn.
Our beautiful storage barn is separated into three levels.

The top floor consists of a kitchen area. Plants, dyes, wool and glass are stored on this level. Eventually we also added storage for armour and tools as well as a section for items from the Nether.
On the ground floor there are front and back entrances to the build. At each end there is also a very small sleeping quarter. This section contains our wood storage as well as brewing and crafting areas. We recently also added a map room with a large map displaying most of our homestead.

We have a small furnace area in the basement. This is also where many building blocks – stone, andesite, sands, etc.—are stored.

Eventually we would like to add a Minecraft transport section that connects to Xavakai’s Mine.