Several members have teamed up this season and have been creating an epic homestead on the server not far from Spawn. Here’s a little sneak peek…

One of the main features of this Homestead is the epic cave. Lots of hours have gone into turning this into a lush, nature-filled cave. This area hosts many aspects including an insane storage room (built by M1nniie_Mouse), an iron farm (built by SierraJade_) and the start of a mine (built by Xavakai).

No Minecraft Homestead would be complete without farms! SierraJade_ has been working on a beautiful Tree Farm at the entrance of the homestead while M1nniie_Mouse created the barn, windmill, and food farms in the heart of the Homestead.
This Homestead is a work in progress so be sure to check back to see what new items have been added.
If you would like your builds featured, be sure to send SierraJade_ your coordinates so she can visit 🙂