With an active server, it becomes increasingly difficult to find certain resources. We believe in adding “quality of life” enhancements. Remember, if you prefer a completely vanilla experience, you do not have to use these recipes.
Our crafting tweaks are sourced from Vanilla Tweaks and Voo Doo Beard.
From Vanilla Tweaks
Rotten Flesh to Leather
Smelt rotten flesh into leather.

Wool to String
Break blocks of wool down into string.

Craftable Black Dye
Use coal or charcoal to make black dye.

Craftable Gravel
Use flint to make gravel.

Craftable Nametags
Use iron, paper and string to craft name tags.

Craftable Bundles
Use regular leather and string to craft bundles.

Craftable Blackstone
Craft Blackstone using basalt and coal/charcoal.

Craftable Golden Apples
Craft your own golden apples.

Double Slabs
Allows you to craft 2 slabs from a single block.

Sandstone Dyeing
Use red dye to get red sandstone.

More Trapdoors/Bark/Stairs/Bricks
Use the regular recipes for these items, but get more as a result.
Craftable Blackstone
Allows you to craft blackstone.

Unpackable Ice
Allows you to break down various ice blocks.

From Voo Doo Beard
Botanical Replication
Craft flowers using this simple recipe.

Equestrian Craftables
For all your horse crafting needs, from armor to saddles.
>> Last updated Jan 1/24 <<